DARIEN, Conn. (CBSNewYork) – In Darien, Conn., some underage children believe they may have found a way to get their hands on outlawed e-cigarettes. One woman in Darien said she has been receiving packages from e-cigarette vaping companies that she herself didn’t order, containing vaping juice that powers the e-cigarettes. She suspects high school friends of her son may be using her address to mail the paraphernalia. Conn. Woman Claims Underage Kids Used Her Address To Buy Banned E-Cigarettes Fran Schneidau reports play pause The woman contacted Nancy Alderman, who locally champions the cause of environment and health, WCBS 880’s Connecticut Bureau Chief Fran Schneidau. Alderman said she promptly alerted state lawmakers about the loophole allowing access to kids under 18. “First thing is to have people be aware that it’s going on and then the next issue is to do something about it,” Alderman said. Alderman said while the law prohibits kids under 18 from buying e-cigarettes, there is currently no stopping out-of-state companies from mailing the vapor juice to households in Connecticut once the product has been ordered.