The untitled doc series will investigate R. Kelly, celebrated as one of the greatest R&B singers of all time until his genre-defining career and playboy …
We’re two games into every Round 1 matchup. Which series will be the most entertaining the rest of the way? Here’s our 1-8 rankings.
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Ranking the must-see NBA playoff series this round
Ranking the must-see NBA playoff series this round was last modified: April 19th, 2018 by Roxannab02
R&B Singer Avant Details Journey of Success in TV One's 'Unsung' [EUR Exclusive]
written by Mike Melia
*TV One's award-winning “Unsung” series will highlight R&B singer Avant on Sunday, April 8, and the Cleveland native tells EUR/Electronic Urban Report that the episode also “shines a good light on the industry itself and the ups and downs” of fame. Avant is best known for his hit singles “Separated,” …
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R&B Singer Avant Details Journey of Success in TV One's 'Unsung' [EUR Exclusive]
R&B Singer Avant Details Journey of Success in TV One's 'Unsung' [EUR Exclusive] was last modified: April 8th, 2018 by Mike Melia